Thursday, June 17, 2004

Re: Today=Third Thursday=Docent Coffee 5:00pm UWT Starbucks

Also at 6 tonight they are showing the video of Rivers and Tides--Andy
Goldsworthy. It will be shown daily during his exhibit, as I understand it.
Cass Brotherton
----- Original Message -----
From: "eConsultant"
To: "TAM Docents"
Cc: "Anna Castillo"
Sent: Thursday, June 17, 2004 7:49 AM
Subject: Today=Third Thursday=Docent Coffee 5:00pm UWT Starbucks

> Hello Fellow Docents
> Yipee ! It's third Thursday again ... we are meeting for the
> agenda-less RSVP-free (ice) coffee at the UW Tacoma Starbucks.
> Cecilia Blomberg will be there at the Tacoma Art Musuem at 6:00pm
> Museum of Glass is showing:
> Marita Dingus: About Face
> Extra Virgin: Work by Judith Schaechter
> Italo Scanga: Metaphors
> The days are longer ... the sun is out (work on your tan!) ... it'll
> be much cooler at 5:00pm ... hope to see you there.
> --
> Regards,
> Sanjeev
> ***
> email: ask (at) eConsultant dot com

SAM trip on July 19

Hi Everyone,


I’m sending out one last call to docents about our trip to SAM on July 19 at 4 pm before I open the remaining slots to the general volunteer pool. We are going as a group to see the Van Gogh to Mondrian exhibition, at a cost of $5 per person vs. the usual $15. I must have your payment to hold your slot. As a special favor to us, they are allowing us to come on a members’ only Monday.

If you’d like to go but haven’t let me know yet or haven’t given me your payment, please do so asap. I’ll be opening up the rest of the slots on Monday.


Docents are welcome to bring one guest each.






Tara Young

Associate Curator of Education



1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, WA 98402

253.272.4258 x 3016



Today=Third Thursday=Docent Coffee 5:00pm UWT Starbucks

Hello Fellow Docents

Yipee ! It's third Thursday again ... we are meeting for the
agenda-less RSVP-free (ice) coffee at the UW Tacoma Starbucks.

Cecilia Blomberg will be there at the Tacoma Art Musuem at 6:00pm

Museum of Glass is showing:
Marita Dingus: About Face
Extra Virgin: Work by Judith Schaechter
Italo Scanga: Metaphors

The days are longer ... the sun is out (work on your tan!) ... it'll
be much cooler at 5:00pm ... hope to see you there.



email: ask (at) eConsultant dot com

Wednesday, June 16, 2004

July 2

I will not be able to cover the July 2 Friday
afternoon shift either, is anyone available? I know I
already put a request on the blog, I just haven't
heard from anyone. It is from 12:30-4:30.

Do you Yahoo!?
Yahoo! Mail - You care about security. So do we.

Monday, June 14, 2004

July 3

Help! I will be out of town on the holiday weekend and need someone to
cover my Saturday morning shift. I'd be happy to trade for ANY time-I'm on
vacation as of next week and so I could do someone's shift. Hope to hear
from someone... Barbara

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