Saturday, October 17, 2009

TA M Docents: Impressionism Checklist and Labels

Hello Docents-

Attached are the panels, labels, and checklist for the Impressionism exhibition opening next Saturday. I have include the 4 questions too so that they are all together.

Happy weekend!



Jana Wennstrom

Manager of Education and Volunteer Programs

& Interim Co-Director of Education


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898


TAM Docents: Speaking Parts Update

Hello Docents-

Speaking Parts is now in the Bill and Bobby Street Gallery and it looks great! Attached is the checklist as it stands for the new location.

Take care,



Jana Wennstrom

Manager of Education and Volunteer Programs

& Interim Co-Director of Education


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898


TAM Docents: Notice of further emails

Hello Docents-

Before sending off vital training info, I wanted to let you know it was coming. If you do not receive 2 additional emails with new Speaking Parts checklist and all Impressionism info, it may have bounced back. If that is the case, it will be available at the docent desk in the ARC.

I look forward to seeing you at this coming Wednesday’s training where we get to start our Concise History adventure together. If you cannot attend, be sure to set aside some time to come in and talk with one of your fellow docents about what you missed.

Thank you!



Jana Wennstrom

Manager of Education and Volunteer Programs

& Interim Co-Director of Education


1701 Pacific Avenue

Tacoma, Washington 98402

T: 253.272.4258 x3030

F: 253.627.1898


Tuesday, October 13, 2009

TAM Docents: U.P.S. exhibition of "Cut Out for the Wilds: The collected Papers of Artist and Activist Abby Williams Hill"

Hello Docents-

Sharon was so gracious as to look up some information that she was willing to share with all of you and I am passing it along.

I hope that you all had a wonderful weekend!

Best regards,



Jana Wennstrom
Manager of Education and Audience Development & Interim Co-Director of Education

T: 253.272.4258 x3030




From: S BERENS []
Sent: Monday, October 12, 2009 2:00 PM
To: Jana Wennstrom
Subject: U.P.S. exhibition of "Cut Out for the Wilds: The collected Papers of Artist and Activist Abby Williams Hill"


Hi Jana,
After reading the review of TAM's "Concise History of Northwest Art" in Sunday's paper, my curiosity regarding Abby Williams Hill lead me to find out a little more about her and her art.  U.P.S. was donated her collection following her death in 1943.  Apparantly her paintings are on display in Jones Hall and other locations on campus.  Of particular interest is an upcoming exhibit which will include collected papers, writings, photographs and ephemera, and the debut of an installation of Hill's paintings in the Collins Memorial Library's reading room.  The opening reception will be Oct. 22, 4:30-6 p.m.  The exhibit will be held thru Jan 5.  You may already have this info, but thought I'd share it just in case others might want to take advantage of this opportunity.  
See you Wednesday,
Sharon B.