TAM: stanchions
I have recently made new signage to announce docent tours – the existing signs were getting a little dog-eared.
The new signage has the following information on red cardstock (there are different signs for different times):
AT 1:00 PM
Join a Tacoma Art Museum docent
for a lively tour and discussion.
Please meet here to join the tour.
Please consider using the signage – all you need to do is:
- Decide when you want to offer a tour
- Put up your signage well in advance:
· pick the appropriate sign from the signage folder at the Front Desk (ask Visitor Services – they are your friends!)
· round up a stanchion – stanchions are usually in storage and they are quite heavy, so please ask Visitor Services to help you
· carry the stanchion to the gallery that you have chosen for your tour (or ask Visitor Services to help you – the stanchions are quite heavy)
- Tell Visitor Services when and where you plan on offering your tour so that they can help you recruit visitors
- Be at the stanchion at the designated time to offer your tour!
- After the tour, please make sure the stanchion and signage are put away. Visitor Services can probably help you with this.
If Visitor Services cannot help, please at least return the paper signage to the Front Desk, and put away the sign frame which sits atop the stanchion. The stanchion itself can be left close to a wall where it is out of the way.
Note About Visitor Services: Visitor Services staff can usually help you set up the stanchion signage. Please respect that sometimes they are busy in the galleries or at the Front Desk, and cannot help you. Setting up your signage in advance will also leave time for Visitor Services to help you when they can.
Please also let me know whether or not you generally use the signage, and whether it has been effective for you in the past.
Thanks for your time!
Heide Fernandez-Llamazares
Museum Educator and Docent Coordinator
1701 Pacific Avenue
Tacoma, Washington 98402
T: 253.272.4258 x3018
F: 253.627.1898
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