To prepare for the upcoming Renoir as Printmaker exhibition, Margaret has passed along some book suggestions. There will be no catalogue produced for this show, and since everyone’s experience with Renoir varies, we leave it up to you to determine which readings will most benefit you. Heide, Margaret and I will be putting together some general Renoir resources as well as some information about the impressionist printmakers. Look for these at the docent desk at the end of the month.
As always, the ARC is an excellent first resource. Some of the following books are available there plus many others.
Some book suggestions for Renoir:
Michel Melot, "The Impressionist Print", Yale University Press, 1996 (good general ref on Imp printmakers, short chapter on Renoir,), easily available from Amazon about $85 (he is also co-author on another book on Impressionist printmakers and that's a good reference too)
Ambroise Vollard, "Renoir: An Intimate Record", in our library ND553.R45 1934 (available in the ARC by January), a firsthand account by Renoir's dealer
There are of course, loads of Renoir books out there. Some of the mainstay more scholarly texts include:
Sophie Monneret, "Renoir" , 1990, Holt and Company
Sophie Monneret "Renoir: His Life and Complete Works", 1995, Longmeadow Press
Anne Distel, "Renoir, a Sensuous Vision", 1995, Abrams Books
John House et al "Renoir, Master Impressionist", 1994,
Walter Pach, "Renoir", reprinted 2003, Harry N. Abrams (Masters of Art series)
These are all available through Amazon (several as paperbacks), some are in the Tacoma public library or at UWT.
Happy Holidays!