Monday, March 24, 2008

TAM: general info on pricing, ID, accidents

This is just a refresher:



Group tours (including Chihuly Walking Tours) that are organized, booked and paid in advance are considered to be “private” meaning that other museum visitors should not be joining the tour. I’m sure many groups wouldn’t mind this, but I want you to be aware of the policy in case a group does bring it up.



The price for a Chihuly Walking Tour is $15 per participant and includes admission to Tacoma Art Museum. Museum visitors who spontaneously decide to join a drop-in Chihuly Walking Tour (that is, where they leave the museum and also visit Union Station, the Bridge of Glass, and/or the UW Library chandelier) should be paying the Chihuly Walking Tour price, not just Tacoma Art Museum admission.

I know this can be difficult to monitor—use your best judgment. All you need to do is refer them to the Front Desk.



All groups that book a Chihuly Walking Tour are always informed that valid ID such as a driver’s license or passport is required to enter Union Station. I have double-checked with Kathy who schedules Chihuly Walking Tours, and she confirmed that she does send this info to all tour groups with their confirmation. I know that some of you regularly see groups that claim not to know they needed ID, and I would say that we make every effort to tell them about this. The problem may be that the tour organizer is not necessarily the same person who takes the tour, but we make it clear that it is their responsibility to pass on the info about ID. It is also posted on our website with information about Chihuly Walking Tours, in bold text.

I know that this issue can be uncomfortable for you as the tour guide, and this is just to let you know that we do tell all tour groups, in writing and verbally, that ID is required to enter Union Station.

I would recommend reminding participants that they need ID at the beginning of your tours.



A first aid kit that can be checked out for Chihuly Walking Tours is now available at the Security entrance. Carrying this kit during your Chihuly Walking Tour is optional. If you do use it, please return it to the Security entrance after your tour.

Please also note that Visitor Services at Tacoma Art Museum, always has at least one Visitor Services staff-person on every shift who is trained in first aid and CPR.

If you or a visitor has an emergency, you can go to Visitor Services staff for help. If you are on a Chihuly Walking Tour, you can go to Union Station or the Washington State History Museum. In the case of any accident, please make sure that you talk to Security about filling out an accident report.



Thank you.


Heide Fernandez-Llamazares

Museum Educator and Docent Coordinator



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