Friday, May 31, 2013

Docent Calendar Calendar

Hello Docents!
As you’ve been expecting, here is the next’s month’s calendar! I will be emailing again halfway through the month to update you of any shifts that may open up. Please email me to let me know if you’ll be unable to attend a shift or if you would like to pick up a shift.
The field trip to the NIHON/WA exhibition at White River Valley Museum will be taking place on June 25th at 12P. As the date draws near, I’ll email again with carpool arrangements, meeting times, and all the rest of those fun details! Again, note that admission to the museum will be covered by the Education Department. RSVP with me as soon as you’re able please!
On June 12th at 10:30A Rock will be talking with us about the Pruzan Collection, which will be opening in Annie’s Gallery on June 15 [closing on October 6]. I will send out a reminder a week beforehand!
Enjoy your weekend!
Interim Volunteer Coordinator | In-House Photographer | Visitor Services Representative
Beyond Books: The Independent Art of Eric Carle
April 6–July 7