Tuesday, September 27, 2011

TAM Docents: New Docent Check List Revised

Hello Docents-
I want to first thank those docents who came to today’s training. It was marvelous hearing from Flora Book herself about the jewelry in the George and Mary Davis Gallery. It really came alive for me and I know it did for others too.

I have attached a copy of the New Docent Check List for the new docents (if you didn’t graduate with a class, consider yourself a new docent where this list is concerned). I also wanted all current docents to see what is on the list so you will know what to expect to hear, questions wise, from the new docents on shadow shifts. If you have any questions, please let me know. New Docents: Please make sure to go through the list and get a completed copy to me along with the date and your name written on it so that I can attach it to your file. Meanwhile, if there are any other changes that anyone sees could be made, I am still taking input.

Thank you!


New Docent Check List

The following items are to give you a bit of guidance on your shadow days, in terms of what you might want to have your fellow docents or the Volunteer Manager cover. You are responsible for making sure that you complete the checklist which will be added to your file.


         Docent Handbook received

         Docent agreement signed

         Docent Desk location

         Shadow a tour for each of the current exhibitions and a Museum Highlights tour

         Process for checking out docent materials and knowledge of what items can be checked out

         How to check in for tours

         Chihuly training and Chihuly Walking Tour Handbook

         Building training

         How to schedule a shift

         Process for what to do in the case of an emergency shift cancellation

         TAM Docent email list and Docent Blog



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